
Can Other People See Chemistry Between Two People?
There is no doubt, they can. Don’t underestimate the discernment of your friends and family. They often are perfectly aware of your interests and more importantly, how they affect you. They see how you and your partner flirt, how you argue in a special way, and how strange tension is created between you when both […]

Men Signals: Powerful Signs of Male Attraction
Whatever’s on his mind, girl, you’re going to figure it out with Flisk. Men aren’t as eloquent as we want them to be. So the only way we can find out about their feelings is to study their body language. There are a number of signs that a man is attracted to somebody. Their stance, […]

Text Messages to Make Him Obsess Over You
After these messages, your guy won’t get you out of his head. So probably you are at the very beginning of your relationship, maybe just got acquainted and want to play a bit. You want this guy to go really crazy over you, so you need to put some effort into it. We will direct […]

How to Tell if an Introvert Likes You
Introverts are those mysterious guys that can treat you very well and still not say a word about how they feel. So, you are alone with your guesses, “Does he like me or what?” Let’s now quickly figure out all possible signs an introvert likes you so that you know this dude is worth your […]

Signs Your Male Coworker Has a Crush on You
Do you have a slight suspicion that your coworker is treating you a little bit differently? Well, it can be flattering but also can bring some awkwardness and discomfort. Whatever your situation is, today, we will help you figure out your coworker’s intentions. There are several proven signs a male coworker likes you and has […]

When You Catch a Guy Staring at You and He Doesn’t Look Away
Well, you are either lucky or in danger. So, let’s figure it out now. Before it’s too late (just joking). When you see a guy staring at you, who doesn’t look away when you catch him, a couple of questions appear in your mind. Who is that, and is there something on my face, is […]

What Makes a Man Fall in Love with a Woman?
Women, girls, grandmas — everybody wonders what exactly makes men fall in love. Over the years, there have been many theories focused on everything from good cooking to frequent lovemaking. Almost always, every attempt to find out what makes a man fall in love ended in nowhere if you focused on such superficial aspects of […]

10 Main Symptoms Of A Man In Love
A person in love can seem quite inadequate to onlookers. Chemistry and hormones do their job. When it’s a man who is in love, the situation changes dramatically! If you still guessing about how he treats you, here are 10 points to check. Behavior The humorist no longer fools around, the speechmaker does not tell […]

10 Things Men Hate When Kissing
We’ve already discussed differences in how men and women see kissing. If you can recollect, here is the article What Men and Women want from a kiss. Quite amusing reading! So we decided it’ high time to explain to all the girls what most men do not love when they kiss with the girl or […]

What Men and Women Want From a Kiss: 8 Facts
It is difficult to imagine the emotional contact between a man and a woman without a kiss. However, there is a slight difference between how men and women perceive kisses. We decided to sift this question to the bottom, and here is what we found out. Value of kisses Modern researchers argue that women attach […]

You Don’t Buy Your Way Out of This, Bub — You Are in Love
We’ve already figured out how to understand that your partner is in love. If not, read about 11 Telltale Signs Your Man Fell In Love With You. But what about our own feelings. Sometimes we have no idea how we treat a person before came across an article, which clear things up. So here they […]

How to Get a Girl Fall in Love With You?
Oh, it’s easy! You don’t have to try much, believe us — you deserve to be loved just being yourself. However, take a look at 10 points to make a girl fall for you faster! #1 No matter how trite it sounds – be yourself Remember who you like best: people who show off and […]