Sex Ideas to Try With Your Partner If You Want Strong Orgasm

If something goes wrong and sex doesn’t bring what it’s supposed to bring – pleasure, try to materialize all the ideas below and get the strongest orgasm nature knows.
But before you plunge into the question, take a minute and recollect, what points you should include in your sex bucket list. Did that? Ok, continue!
You have 12 points to draw inspiration from! But remember about some security measures. Do not overdo it with alcohol, make sure that the water in the bath is not too hot/cold, the striptease is not too complicated, and the poses are to the best of your ability.
1. Touch and study
If your relationship has just begun and you have your first night ahead, experts recommend studying your partner as much as possible. Touch your partner more often. Do not be afraid to hug each other, touching each other chicks. Be sure that the physical contact between your bodies is established. If you have been dating for several weeks and didn’t have sex, try petting. This is a great way to get to know each other’s bodies better and find out which touches give you both the greatest pleasure.2. Be natural!
Show that you want him or her that his or her body excites you and that you dream of intimacy. Your partner won’t stay indifferent.3. Turn your head off
Do not think too much because your bed is not a place for intellectual efforts. Stop thinking if he/she likes your breasts if your legs are thin enough with this angle and if your face looks funny during the process. Do not try to please him/her, concentrate on your movements, and on your sensations, enjoy every minute!
4. Everything of genius is simple, but not everything simple is of genius
Simple movements – one of the main secrets of good sex. Believe us, correctly, ‘executed’ movements in the right time are much more important than the refined and spicy poses that you saw in films and magazines for adults.5. Realize his/her cherished sexual fantasy
After all, you probably know what your beloved is dreaming of. If not, just ask! And do not forget to tell him/her about your fantasies. Drive each other to Disneyland! Such nights will remain with you for a long time and maybe forever!6. Call toys for help
Sex toys are a great way to discover new sensations in sex. Sexologists strongly recommend you to try something new from time to time to expand the range of sensations from sexual pleasures. Sex toys can be tested both independently and with your partner. But it’s definitely not worth dragging your huge pink three-phase vibrator on a date to a newly-made sweetheart.7. Make foreplay different
Another great way to make the night unforgettable is to abandon the usual prelude with hugs, kisses, and memorized caresses. Replace standard caresses with fun games. For instance, you can undress, take brushes, paints, and draw erotic body art on each other’s bodies. Just let your imagination run wild.
8. Have oral sex
Oral sex raises the threshold of sensitivity and can also be very pleasant not only for you but also for your partner. Feel free to experiment in this area and let your partner do, maybe not very decent, but very nice things.9. Control your partner’s speed
To achieve orgasm, not only the pose in sex is important, but also the frequency of the man’s movements. Do not be afraid to experiment and ask the man to move in different ways to understand what rhythm will bring you to the top of pleasure.10. Change places
Sex in new places increases the ability to get an orgasm several times. Invite your partner to make love where you haven’t done it yet and will see.11. Add extreme
No, we do not talk about having sex in the abandoned military base. Well, not everyone can handle such stuff but to arrange something unusual – why not? For instance, he is talking on the phone, the conversation is important, but suddenly you get naughty. Slowly seduce a partner with touches, indiscreet glances, and maybe spontaneous striptease. But do it as naturally as possible – only if you really feel inside the impudent little demon.12. Take your partner with you on the voyage!
Spend your romantic night… in the bathroom! With foam, aromatic oils, fruits, and champagne. Put on a sexy swimsuit, or do not. You certainly won’t need more clothes.
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