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What Do You Know About Non-Monogamy?

What Do You Know About Non-Monogamy?


Psychology of Relationships



What types of non-monogamous relationships exist? Is it OK to be polygamous or polyamorous? We’ve prepared detailed answers! Some people think that we strive to spread our genes as actively as possible by nature. The more partners, the greater the genetic diversity and “sperm wars,” the stronger we are. On the other hand, even for […]

Adultery, Infidelity, Cheating… Why Does It Happen?

Adultery, Infidelity, Cheating… Why Does It Happen?


Psychology of Relationships



There are lots of contradicting stereotypes about cheating: the girl’s heart just like man’s heart are prone to them, but women are naturally monogamous; adultery strengthens marriage; betrayal destroys relationships; only self-doubt people are cheating; you cannot rely on the loyalty of popular people. Let’s see what we discovered about cheating. The grounds Scholars claim […]

Stop Stressing! 9 Simple Do and Don’ts to Be Cured of Breakup

Stop Stressing! 9 Simple Do and Don’ts to Be Cured of Breakup


Dating Tips



Yes, a breakup is a disease, a severe one, a tortuous one. But that also means that there is a cure for it and now you are going to get the recipe. No, breakup won’t break you, you will become even stronger, more wise and experienced. Instead of wrestle with a question ‘what’s wrong with […]

Ask These 5 Questions Before Starting Living Together

Ask These 5 Questions Before Starting Living Together


Dating Tips



Love is wonderful! But, alas, sincere feelings alone are often not enough to decide on living together with an easy mind. Long-awaited dates, ravishing sex, and even joint trips to resorts do not always allow us to determine the important details on which the joint-life will be built. Before making a fateful step, ask yourself […]

10 Tricks to Become More Attractive 

10 Tricks to Become More Attractive 


Dating Tips



There are people who always attract attention wherever they go and whatever they do. Is that charisma or something else? To be attractive does not mean to have beautiful blue eyes and perfect facial features that people like. To be truly attractive, it is enough to change your habits and behavior. You must become a […]

Ideal Girlfriends Do This

Ideal Girlfriends Do This


Dating Hacks



Girls often ask themselves a question of what qualities they should possess to make men love them forever, from the very first date desirably. We’ve gathered for you the top 12 characteristics of an ideal girl. Take a look! 1. She loves herself At all times, self-love and self-respect are the main indexes of a […]

How to Become an Ideal Husband for Your Bae?

How to Become an Ideal Husband for Your Bae?


Dating Tips



How to become an ideal husband? This is the question most men face some time after the wedding. Most often, this question arises after quarrels with their honeys, when they begin to demand attention and love for herself. Find common hobbies Your wife is your friend, first of all. Make the time spent together more […]

9 Signs that She Is Going to Cheat on You

9 Signs that She Is Going to Cheat on You


Psychology of Relationships



Women cheat rarely. Usually, that’s not a random event but a well-considered decision. How to detect that your woman is going to cheat on you? Statistics and opinions of psychologists on the topic suggest that female adultery is a clear sign of trouble in marriage. It is believed that the vast majority of men who […]

The Best Kissing Techniques You Haven’t Tried Yet

The Best Kissing Techniques You Haven’t Tried Yet


Dating Tips



One of the most sensitive parts of the human body is the mouth, lips in particular. That’s why, from time immemorial, a kiss remains the most proven physiological way of expressing affection and love.  The touch of lips speaks of true feelings and emotions better than we can do with words. Kiss-care, kiss-deceit, kiss-tenderness, kiss-me-I-am-yours-forever, […]

From AFC to PUA: Techniques of Confident Pickup 

From AFC to PUA: Techniques of Confident Pickup 


Dating Tips



If you shake with a fright every time you get aquatinted with a boy or a girl, you need this article as fresh air. Read on, and you will know how to stop being an average frustrated chump (AFC) and become a true pickup artist (PUA). Your popularity depends not only and not so much […]

What’s a Broken Heart and How to Deal With It?

What’s a Broken Heart and How to Deal With It?


Dating Tips



Though it hurts badly, a broken heart is not a monster under your bed. It is nothing like falling from a great height. It is not equal to diving without oxygen to the bottom of the ocean. But, it does hurt so much as if your life is going to end.  But, let’s give it […]

Ten Solid Reasons Why Women Cheat

Ten Solid Reasons Why Women Cheat


Psychology of Relationships



These 10 things between you and your mate will make her get busy with another man.  Do not think that all girls are angels. The bitter truth is that about 20% of women cheat on their mates. However, they do not jump into bed with strangers accidentally. In most cases, a woman has a sound […]