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Psychology of Relationships
Here Is Why Sleeping with a Married Man Is Not What You Need
Here Is Why Sleeping with a Married Man Is Not What You Need

You are an adult, independent girl who knows exactly what she wants from life. And suddenly you start a relationship with a man who is married. Why?
Indeed, the “married man – single woman” syndrome exists. And it’s rather common, which is, of course, a shame. But do you really need that? Let’s figure it out.
Why married guys seem attractive
There are a lot of women who like married men. And there are a number of reasons for that.- They are mature
- It feels adventurous
- They are probably good at something
- They make you feel desired
- You don’t want any commitments

Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash
Why it isn’t worth it
1. They treat you superficially
A man who is ready to cheat on his wife is not capable of deep, sincere feelings. Imagine he courted his future wife, swore eternal love to her, and now he just as passionately seeks to get your favor. Do you think that with you, he will stay forever? Alas, having reached a certain stage of the relationship, he will start again, but no longer with you. But the wife will stay with him, and you will not.2. The stigma of a mistress
This status does not go away so quickly and follows you all your life, bringing various troubles to you.3. Sad holidays
When all mankind is having fun with their families at the New Year tree, wives accept gifts on Mother’s Day, the whole family spends together on weekends, your left alone. Yes, and you will not be able to openly spend your birthday with your beloved. A married man needs to be at home on time and not at someone’s party.4. Pain brought to all
Breaking a love triangle is always painful. If he decides to leave the family, it will hurt his wife and children. If he decides to return to the family, your heart will be broken.5. Empty promises
A loving relationship with a married person is like living in a world of illusions. He always promises to change something. You are waiting for the fulfillment of promises. And at this time, life passes, measured in days, months, years. Plans and hopes collapse, longing and depression take their place.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
6. Lack of support
To hammer a nail into the wall, to bring heavy bags from the store – such simple “male” duties are often carried out by you yourself. What can we say about helping with repair or support in difficult moments of illness or loss?7. Empty bed
In the morning, a beloved man does not wake up in your bed. You two do not have a common warm morning, when you can luxuriate, huddled together, or just fool around.8. Constant waiting
Bright flashes of short meetings amid constant waiting. You always wait for his arrival, then try to delay the time of his departure. And he, having closed the door behind him, goes into his active real life, leaving her in the “waiting room” to amuse herself with memories of short hasty meetings and again wait-wait-wait for his opportunity to “drop in on the light.”9. Lifetime is running out
So, you spend years in the hope of creating your own family with a stranger’s husband. His children are growing up, but you are left alone. And your time and the opportunity to have your own family, children are irrevocably gone.10. The energy of love is wasted
Relationships are energy. The girl puts all of herself into something that does not become a natural continuation – a family. You fill the man with yourself, and he brings this fullness to another house, to another woman and children. Your remain devastated, without a husband, without children, and without yourself.Sleeping with a married man: Advice
If you ask yourself, “Well, a married man wants to sleep with me. What should I do?” Here are a couple of tips for you.-
Stop being his doctor
Try to deal with yourself
Realize your own needs
Analyze your own life
Realize that his wife exists

Photo by Ray Chan on Unsplash
Face it: He doesn’t choose you
Admit your desires to yourself
Break this connection
Appreciate yourself
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