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How Many Sexual Partners is Too Many

How Many Sexual Partners is Too Many

Hello, it’s 2021! Are there people who care?  But of course, there are people for whom the matter of how many guys is too many to sleep with is of great importance. As we noticed, mostly, it’s girls who think about their reputation. And why do they think about such things? Is it because men make them care or other girls? In general, it’s our society that is highly preoccupied with the issue. So, today let’s end up with this topic once and forever. 

The average American number

The average number of sexual partners among male and female Americans is 7.2. But what is interesting and rather obvious, the number varies from state to state. For instance, in such states as Utah, where most people are religious, which means abstinence until marriage is expected, the number is 2.6. While in more secular states, the number can rise up to 15.7.  Another curious fact is that in European countries, the number is far smaller. Isn’t it something to think about?

What’s the average number of partners for a woman?

Statistics say that the average number of sexual partners before marriage for a woman is 3

What’s the average number of sex partners for a man?

The average number of sexual partners before marriage for a man is 11.4

How many sex partners is too many or too few?

So, people consider those women who have 1.9 and fewer sexual partners in their lifetime too sexually conservative. For men, this number is 2.3 and less.  This way, how many guys is too many? Women are too promiscuous if they have 15.2 sexual partners in their lives. Men are considered so if they have 14The ideal number for women is 7.5, for men 7.6. Not a huge difference, by the way.  According to another research of IllicitEncounters, the ideal number of partners before marriage, both for men and for women, should be 12. This number would denote that a person is ready for sexual experiments and is rather relaxed and groovy when it comes to sex. 

Does your partner need to know your number?

It’s always up to you whether to speak about it or not. If you don’t want to share, just say, “I would like not to speak about that today”. Maybe one day it will become not such a big deal for you. It appears that for men, it’s more important to know the number of their girlfriends’ partners. 53% of men are FOR this knowledge.  Only 45% of women are willing to know their partners’ sexual numbers. 

Do people lie about their numbers?

Sure! But most people still prefer to be honest about their number of partners: 67.4% of women and 58,6% of men can be trusted. But people do lie sometimes. Researchers say that women tend to decrease their numbers, while men, on the contrary, increase it. This way, there are only nuns and womanizers around.

Summary: What is a high number of partners for a woman and man?

If you got lost in those numbers, here is a brief:
  • Women: 15 and more
  • Men: 14 and more
It is worth mentioning that all the studies were conducted a couple of years ago. And taking into account how fast society’s standards change, you can add a couple of points for both sexes.  And again, don’t be afraid of being honest with your partner. Most people claim they are unlikely to discontinue their relationships if their partners have more and less sexual partners than the average number. 
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