Flisk Blog

Online Dating and Relationship Advices

Seeking love online? Dive deep into understanding yourself first! Flisk is happy to present a new course “Unlocking Love: A Journey of Self-Discovery for Relationship Success”. The course focuses not just on swiping right, but on dating with intention and authenticity.

About the course:

Unlocking Love: A Journey of Self-Discovery for Relationship Success is a unique 11-week dating manual. This comprehensive guide is an ideal option for everyone who wants to find true love and a really compatible partner. 

We believe that the key to a meaningful relationship is to clearly understand yourself and look for someone who can share your life values and relationship goals. During these eleven weeks, we will learn through exercises, quizzes, observation, and theory how to unlock your strongest points and build self-awareness. 

In our digital age, finding a partner online can sometimes feel overwhelming and inauthentic. This course is designed to ensure that you embark on your online dating journey with consciousness and mindfulness. 

What You’ll Gain:

  • You will know your relationship needs and how to satisfy them.
  • You will shed light on your relationship values.
  • You will learn about your non-negotiables and how to protect your boundaries.
  • You will discover your and your partner’s attachment types and learn to communicate mindfully.
  • You will get tips to minimize the negative impact of your behavioral patterns on your relationships. 
  • You will know how to minimize the effect of your weak points on your relationships.
  • You will maximize your strong points in dating. 

Dating online doesn’t have to be a game of chance. It’s time to date mindfully and find the relationship that aligns with your true self. Dive in and transform your online dating journey today! 

The Journey of Self-Discovery for Relationship Success course starts today and is free for all Flisk users.


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