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Online Dating and Relationship Advices

If your love is unrequited or you are stuck in a toxic relationship, it must be painful. When you find yourself caring about someone who doesn’t care about you, you just can’t get over it in a day. We will give you some quotes that will help you express your thoughts and provide you with some tips to cope with your pain.

Caring about someone who doesn’t care about you quotes

We collected 10 quotes about feeling something for a person who doesn’t care.

  1. If you know that a person will never be yours, then you can love them indefinitely. It’s easy.
  2. Surprise me. Ask me how my day was.
  3. It is a pity that there is no Delete button in the heart.
  4. There is no place for me in your heart, and there is no place in mine because of you.
  5. I have always dreamed of seeing in her/his eyes the love that is in mine. And today, I finally saw it. But it was not for me.
  6. It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.
  7. Such is the paradox: we perform feats for those who no longer care about us, but we are loved by those who don’t need any feats from us.
  8. Don’t waste time with someone who doesn’t want to spend it with you.
  9. You know, I’m ready to text you all sorts of nonsense if it makes you remember me from time to time.
  10. If someone truly loves you, they won’t make you feel like you have to constantly fight for their attention.

How to stop caring about someone who doesn’t care about you

The first thing you need to do is realize that you are just wasting yourself on this person. You waste your energy, your emotions, your time for the sake of this person and do not receive anything back. Nothing. Here, you need to recall that your way out is to be rational. This person doesn’t deserve you — end of discussion.

Actually, you have just one person you need to take care of. It’s you, my darling (and your children, if you have a family).

You can’t force a person to care about you or love you. So, realize that this person won’t change their feelings for you no matter what you do. People’s feelings are unpredictable; they can’t control them. So, don’t be sad that a person doesn’t feel anything for you as they simply can’t do anything about it.

Instead of being obsessed with this person, focus on yourself. Distract yourself with other things. There are a lot of beautiful things around you that are worth your attention. It can be a new hobby or new acquaintances, or maybe sport. With time you will notice your mind shifted from this person toward yourself. That’s what you need.

In general, these are the basic tips we wanted to share. Because all you need to do is to stop thinking about this person, it’s not easy, it takes time, but it is the only thing that can help you.

Remember that care, just like love, should be mutual otherwise, it has no sense.


We want you to realize one thing – if you genuinely care about someone, it speaks of you as a person capable of deep feelings. And it happens that sometimes our feelings aren’t mutual. It makes you feel unhappy and sometimes depressed. That’s not what you need, right? So make an effort, literally force yourself not to think about this person. Don’t allow anybody to have such destructive power over you.

  1. Accept that this person doesn’t care about you. They don’t ask you how your day is going; they don’t want to see you happy and help you when you are in trouble.
  2. Realize that those who don’t care about you represent no value for you. They are useless.
  3. Start to care about yourself more. There can’t be any “too much”. The more you care about yourself, the better.
  4. Find new activities that will distract you and fill your life with pleasure. There are a lot of things that can take the place of this person in your heart.
  5. Start a new chapter of your life without this person.

We hope you will never meet someone who doesn’t care about others again.

Your Flisk❤

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