first date

10 Not Trivial Ideas for Your First Date
Dating Hacks
What can be more exciting and eerily beautiful than first dates? You have fun, get to know each other, have heart-to-heart talks and kiss… But without a detailed plan, your date can turn into the mere swanning around and spoiled the first impression. So, take a couple of minutes to think up the run of […]

15 Questions To Ask On a First Date To Reveal Your Crush Inner World
Dating Hacks
Sometimes we ask some questions just to keep the insipid talk running or when we have nothing to say. However, the right questions help to reveal the carefully hidden trait of a person’s character. And create an exciting conversation. We’ve gathered 15 questions for you to ask your partner on the first date. By the […]

Common Mistakes Men Make on the First Date
Dating Tips
These stupid mistakes can ruin the first date. Read till the end before you go out. Men sometimes do their best but, from a woman’s perspective, behave like idiots on dates. They take a shower, clean their shoes, pay attention to their hair-do, but forget something more substantial—the psychology of relationships. Unfortunately, there are mistakes […]

How to Write “Thank you” Text After First Date To Trigger Chemistry
Dating Tips
So, your date is over. It wasn’t worth that much worrying, was it? But the most intriguing part is still to come. The fate of your future relationship is hanging in the balance now. For sure, you’ve drawn some conclusions from this date, but the critical moment here is your behavior “after”. Today’s article is […]