First Kiss

What Men and Women Want From a Kiss: 8 Facts
Psychology of Relationships
It is difficult to imagine the emotional contact between a man and a woman without a kiss. However, there is a slight difference between how men and women perceive kisses. We decided to sift this question to the bottom, and here is what we found out. Value of kisses Modern researchers argue that women attach […]

Should You Follow Golden Rule “No Kiss On First Date”?
Dating Tips
There is no point in persuading you that a little smooching is one of the most inspiring episodes that both boys and girls expect while preparing for a date. In this case, both are guessing whether it is OK to kiss on the first date, or is it worth delaying it till the next time? […]

How to Make Truth or Dare Kiss Stunning?
Dating Tips
Truth or Dare is a classic party game, which allows you to get to know your friends, crushes, and acquaintances better. Get ready for the unforgettable experience full of awkward questions and dares! The time has come, you have to kiss someone as a dare. And what to do if that’s your first kiss, and […]

What is the Average Age For the First Kiss?
Dating Tips
If you wonder what the best age for the first kiss is, probably your lips remain untouched. Well, this article is for you, so keep reading! For different people, the first kiss is “played” according to different scenarios. And age is one of the criteria which differs. Your kissing premiere is an exciting event that […]