
How to Tell a Girl You Like Her Without Ruining the Friendship
Dating Tips
They say the concept of men and women being friends is a little bit foreign to humanity. Probably they are right, and that’s why you are here. Users often ask us, “I have a crush on my female friend, should I tell her?” Well, the situation is rather complicated, so don’t make it worse by […]

Can You Stay Friends After A BreakUp And Do You Really Need This?
Psychology of Relationships
Alas, we’ve gathered arguments against more. But let’s consider both perspectives. In what situations can you stay friends? Partners have no feelings for each other To be friends when you go weak at the knees when thinking about your ex is impossible. However, if the heart does not beat faster each time you hear his […]

How to Get a Girl Fall in Love With You?
Dating Tips
Oh, it’s easy! You don’t have to try much, believe us — you deserve to be loved just being yourself. However, take a look at 10 points to make a girl fall for you faster! #1 No matter how trite it sounds – be yourself Remember who you like best: people who show off and […]

About the Friendship Between a Man and a Woman
Psychology of Relationships
Can a man and woman be friends? Let’s figure out if this is possible, or at least one of them hopes for further development of relations. What is friendship? Each of us, probably, have many examples from our lives or the lives of our inner circles, when boys and girls who grew up together continued […]