
Text Messages to Get Her in the Mood (AO-rated)
Dating Tips
Sexting is a subtle art. It should be done correctly; otherwise, you risk sounding more ridiculous than exhilarating. So here is our guide to driving her wild with your messages (texts that will turn her on included.) Rules of how to get her in the mood fast Messages should be light and exciting, do not […]

How Many Sexual Partners is Too Many
Psychology of Relationships
Hello, it’s 2021! Are there people who care? But of course, there are people for whom the matter of how many guys is too many to sleep with is of great importance. As we noticed, mostly, it’s girls who think about their reputation. And why do they think about such things? Is it because men […]

Here Is Why Sleeping with a Married Man Is Not What You Need
Psychology of Relationships
You are an adult, independent girl who knows exactly what she wants from life. And suddenly you start a relationship with a man who is married. Why? Indeed, the “married man – single woman” syndrome exists. And it’s rather common, which is, of course, a shame. But do you really need that? Let’s figure it […]

How Many Dates Before Sex?
Psychology of Relationships
The first date should end with hugs, the second with a passionate kiss, and the third with sex. Have you heard that nonsense? Probably, yes, and that’s why you are here, trying to figure things out. Do I need to torment a man for three months, or can you give in to erotic desires on […]

16 Must-Know Facts About Sex
We’ve gathered the most interesting, not so well-known facts about sex. Read and educate yourself. If you are fond of learning interesting facts, read The Mystery of Kissing: 10 Facts Nobody Has any Idea About Sex can improve memory But it works only for women. A recent study showed that regular sex improves the ability […]

What’s the Distinctive After-Sex Smell and How It Appears?
In novels and other fiction for women, you can find the phrase “the smell of sex was in the room” quite often. But does it really appear after the lovers have finished having fun, what is its source and is pleasant or unpleasant? All these questions about the phenomenon of smell after sex need our […]

Types of Female Orgasm and How to Reach Them
Dating Tips
What women are uniquely lucky with is the quality and variety of sexual sensations. Male orgasm can not be compared with the female one since there are many types of female orgasm. And none of them is like the other. Girls, prepare your notebooks! We decided to look at this question from two sides – […]

Let’s Talk About Sex During Periods
Dating Tips
Menstruation is a regular thing. However, many people treat it with prejudice and a degree of disgust. Girls mainly. Especially when it comes to sex during periods. We decided to hunt down this quite intimate question and answer all your questions regarding periods and sex. A little spoiler: the only thing that can ruin the […]

Are You Demisexual? Let’s Find Out!
Psychology of Relationships
An open and honest attitude towards sexuality is becoming the norm, but not all people seek liberation. For instance, for demisexuals, sex is possible only after experiencing a strong emotional connection and deep trust in a relationship. Some researchers attribute demisexuality to orientation, others to the organization of sexual life. We believe that demisexuality, like […]

Sex Ideas to Try With Your Partner If You Want Strong Orgasm
Dating Tips
If something goes wrong and sex doesn’t bring what it’s supposed to bring – pleasure, try to materialize all the ideas below and get the strongest orgasm nature knows. But before you plunge into the question, take a minute and recollect, what points you should include in your sex bucket list. Did that? Ok, continue! […]

First Aid for a Sexless Marriage: How to Bring Passion Back?
Dating Tips
Life consists not only of first dates and torrid love affairs. Every relationship has stand-downs as well, especially when you have been married for more than one year. Step by step, everything becomes boring, and it is naive to assume that you can return everything at once with an urgent trip to a swing club […]

Don’t Miss These 10 Things On Your Sex Bucket List
Dating Tips
Before you settle down with a successful marriage full of love and 5 kids, try the stuff below. Otherwise, you will regret that you haven’t tried everything you could! 1. Casual sex You will never see him or her again, you should not listen to his silly stories or her complains about the old shoes […]