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How to Write “Thank you” Text After First Date To Trigger Chemistry

How to Write “Thank you” Text After First Date To Trigger Chemistry

Thank you text after first date
So, your date is over. It wasn’t worth that much worrying, was it? But the most intriguing part is still to come. The fate of your future relationship is hanging in the balance now. For sure, you’ve drawn some conclusions from this date, but the critical moment here is your behavior “after”. Today’s article is about how to write such a thank you text to please your crush completely and to encourage him or her to act more actively and nicely. Or vice versa (we all know dates can be a failure). You will get a couple of ‘thank you text after first date’ examples, so pens at the ready, brains switched on.

How do you communicate after a first date?

If a date was awful, forget about this person and never ever think about getting them a second chance. But even in this case, it would be great to send a message explaining your thoughts. But if the date appeared to be a perfect dream, and you want it to become a start for a wonderful, full of ecstasy relationship, think carefully about sending a nice “thank you” text after your first date. Boys and girls of all ages love such gestures.

How do you say thank you to a man or woman after the first date?

The main thing is that the message shouldn’t be long and oblige a person to respond. You need to set the record straight as quickly as possible so that you do not mislead a person.
  • You need to write such a message that does not require an answer because everything will be clear.
  • Try your best to restrain yourself from confessions of love and long speeches.
  • Behave the same way as before.
  • Your brevity will help make you attractive in the eyes of your potential partner.
A young man standing near the window and holding phone

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

We asked our team members to share their examples of cool “thank you” texts after the first date. Find them below.
  • “Thank you for the nice evening. I liked pasta we ate, we just have to do it again:)”
This is a typical text after a normal but successful date. You can write it within a couple of hours. Mention some facts from that date and say that it was really amazing.
  • “That was great! I felt like we’d known each other for ages”
Such a light and incredibly pleasant compliment will help a person understand that you liked him. This is the best option for those who are absolutely sure that there will be a second date. Not only women love compliments, by the way.
  • “I can’t get your dog photo out of my head. Hope to see her next time, you also can join!”
This option is super relaxed as you do not speak directly about what you feel, you do not confess your sympathy, but this message will be incredibly effective. It intrigues, fascinates a person, makes them laugh a little but still, it makes it clear that you don’t mind another round.
  • “Thank you for coffee! That was the tastiest coffee in my entire life!”
Not so straightforward, but a person will take the hint. You can send such a message after the usual meeting or walk. In this case, you can write almost immediately, within half an hour. This way, you give a person a chance to take the initiative to take the next step.
  • “Great night. Hope to meet you again,” or just “That was fun! See you later.”
This is a universal choice for those ladies and gentlemen who do not want to show their feelings but are ready for the next date. Write it almost immediately, do not hesitate.
  • “You are great! Thank you for making me laugh, I needed it urgently!”
If you want to show your date that they became your saver and it’s them who you were waiting for all these days, throw this kind of message. Do not be afraid, they will love it. There are lots of ways to drop a hint about your genuine interest. Just be sincere, write what you really think. Only then your relationships will bloom naturally.

Should I send a thank you text after the first date if there was no chemistry?

It’s always up to you. But it’s better to be polite and respect other people’s feelings and explain your position.
A girl is looking at her phone

Photo by Pablo Toledo on Unsplash

Again, we gathered several examples of texts after the first not-really-successful date.
  • “Thank you for this evening, but it seems to me we are not compatible.”
It is an honest and respectful way to “brush off” a person. It’s better than ignoring a person and wasting their time.
  • “The evening was fun, thank you! I believe we can be really good friends:)”
If you liked a person, but it happened that you don’t see them as a potential lover, offer your friendship. Your date will either tell you to go to hell or agree if he/she feels the same.
  • “Thanks for this time, but I realize I’m not ready for a relationship yet”
Oh, yes. That’s a popular excuse and everybody understands its true meaning.
  • “I liked our lunch! Thank you for it. But I don’t feel like continuing communication”
If you don’t want to have this person in your circle, don’t force yourself. Make everything clear from the very start.
  • “The date was great. But I don’t think Democrat and Republican are a great match.”
If you face such a divergence of views you can’t accept, let a person know. Your food preferences, political views, relationship goals may not coincide, that’s a normal thing.
  • “Hey! It seems to me that we didn’t connect, but it’s ok, I wish you find the right person! Good luck!”
If you want to sound polite, this kind of text is the best option.

When should you text after the first date?

Rely on your feelings. If you feel that telling your date that you liked/didn’t like them right after your date is the right thing to do, go ahead. But! There is always “but”. They say, it’s better to either write a message the next day after the date, or if you have already written immediately after the date, do not remind a person about yourself the next day. You start writing every day and the person will add you to the “easy target” category. And this is not useful for a healthy relationship, to which we all strive. So, don’t spam!

Who texts first after a date?

It doesn’t matter. If you like someone, make it clear. If you don’t, make it clear! It’s in your interest first of all. It’s even better if you write first. This way, you get rid of all misunderstandings, which are very frequent when you only start to get to know each other. Thank you for reading. We hope our post will come in handy. Use it, save it, share with friends!
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