Make Him Crazy In Love With a Kiss

Oh, it’s pretty easy. You just need to know a couple of tricks.
Kisses mean a lot both for girls and boys. If you want to make your crush go crazy about you, do it with your kisses — such a beautiful and pleasant manipulation.
Flirt and tease
Smile, say something pleasant, lean towards him, and then stop. A pause in the movement for a second will make him anticipate and understand how excited he is. Then wait while he pulls you closer and kiss him with dry lips, but not on the lips. Slowly, barely touching, run your lips over his face – forehead, temples, cheekbones. This gentle touch will bring a lot of sensations.Classics of the genre
Gently pinch his lower lip between your lips and pull it towards you. If at this time, your man does the same with your upper lip, the desired effect will be achieved faster. The palate is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. Therefore, the next time you kiss with your tongue, draw your tongue several times through his palate. Some men claim that this can arouse sexual desire in them.Contrastive Kiss
Give your man contrastive kisses. To do this, pour in one glass of cold water and some hot drink (coffee or tea). Take a sip of the hot drink and touch your lips to the man’s wrist. After giving a few “hot” kisses, take a sip of cold water and begin to kiss him again. Such contrasting caresses will make a man even more impressed if he is blindfolded.Do not forget about his erogenous zones
- Ears
- Neck
- Nipples
- Fingers
- Belly
- Spine
- Legs and knees for dare-devils
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