Should You Follow Golden Rule “No Kiss On First Date”?

There is no point in persuading you that a little smooching is one of the most inspiring episodes that both boys and girls expect while preparing for a date. In this case, both are guessing whether it is OK to kiss on the first date, or is it worth delaying it till the next time?
The wish to kiss and touch your crush is quite rational. It is a demonstration of sensual curiosity and affection. To a certain extent, it’s a hint for a person that he/she is more than just a friend. However, the first kiss either can be a great start to a relationship or kill it. How and why? Let’s find out!
Men’s philosophy
Girls, write down – for a guy to kiss a girlfriend means to confess his affection to her, to assert his rights. It’s quite reasonable for him to do it on the first date. Nevertheless, a kiss for men is also interesting and long-awaited. It gives rise to a burst of emotions when it comes to earnest intentions and a strong feeling for a girl. If his aim is a non-binding relationship or just a night together, then he is likely not to miss the moment to kiss a girl as soon as possible. It will allow him to pick up steam and to move to more active actions. Anyway, the man’s fate is to lead the dance and be proactive as people like to say today. And this poor creature, in his turn, is in agony of doubts: to kiss her and she will decide that he’s putting the make on her, or not and then she will consider him indecisive or not interested in her and then friend-zone is his home forever. Of course, each person and situation is unique, but most of the cases concerning the first kiss are still typical. Men, in the same way, doubt and worry, whether this step is worth doing. They also want everything to go right, and it’s vital for them to be sure that a girl estimates the first date positively.Women’s philosophy
Boys, remember – women’s philosophy is equivocal. It depends on education and culture, outlook, and her ‘past’. Some believe that only foolish young females kiss on their first date, that’s why ‘no kiss on first date’ is such a popular concept. There is a certain truth in it, but in the twenty-first century, kissing on the first date is not something shameful. Actually, some girls, on the contrary, prefer to kiss as fast as their morality allows them – it serves them as an indicator of the attractiveness of a man. For many women (and for men too), a kiss on the first date is a too sharp invasion of personal space – it takes much more time to get used to a person and get closer to him. There is a category of girls for whom kisses are a necessary feature of any romantic meeting, even the first: these are new sensations, vivid emotions, a kind of proof of their own attractiveness. They live with emotions, giving in to fleeting impulses, falling in love, “collecting” impressions. In any case, due to dreamy and romantic nature, the fairer sex, even being strictly educated and possessing natural modesty, still secretly dreams of a kiss.How to make a decision?
If a girl considers that the man behaves correctly (he is gallant, attentive, romantic, moderately persistent), and there is mutual sympathy, there is no reason to resist. The first kiss is often the spark that kindles great love. If shyness takes over emotions or impressions from a date, you can turn your cheek for a kiss. Rejecting a kiss at this moment will not mean that the guy automatically falls into a friend-zone. If there is sympathy from your side, then you need to show it: smile, in a playful way, suggest repeating the route and other girls hints. What you should pay attention to:- conformity of image and behavior (if a girl came on a date in a mini-skirt and with a deep neckline, then there is no point in playing the role of a modest);
- non-verbal communication (this is a great opportunity to signal a man, whether he behaves properly towards a girl or not);
- mood, emotional response to the partner’s actions (for example, the desire to repeat the kiss).
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