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“First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.” Now it is not so easy, and people should take into account many factors when they think about marriage and choose the best age to get married.

Marriage then and now

We see that now couples in India get married later than in, for example, in the 1960s. At that time, people started their families in 20 years. Nowadays, the average age of marriage for men is about 26 years and about 22 years for women accordingly. 

The situation changed not only in India but all over the world. For instance, marriage isn’t popular among American coupes, U.S. Census Bureau reports show that only 51% of people are married (in 1960, there were 72%). 

So, now the question of what is the best age to get married is actual, while every group of age group has its benefits and drawbacks. Let’s consider them.

Marriage at 22-25 years

At this age, you finished college or university and are starting your career. So, your partner can be your college sweet-heart, someone from your neighborhood, school, or even kindergarten.   

Benefits of marriage at 22-25 years

You both can grow and change as persons and as a couple. If you immediately decide to have children, you will be young parents and can create a large family. So, when your children grow up and go to college, you still will be young enough to live as a couple, travel, and go in for hobbies.

Drawbacks of marriage at 22-25 years

At this young age, your knowledge of yourself, your views, and your goals can be unformed. Over time your and your partner’s life values can change. It demonstrates a high level of divorces in India: 50% of such cases concern couples that were married when they weren’t 20 years old. Among couples married at 22-25 years percentage of divorces is 34%, as we see, this indicator becomes lower according to the age of partners.  

Another risky moment is that if you are stay-at-home mom, you can feel emptiness and loss of identity when your grown-up children leave home.

Marriage at 25-30 years

At this age, the girl knows what she wants to do in her life, what are her values, she has a job, hobbies, and friends. She feels as a belle on the ball when she meets with the future groom at this age.

Benefits of marriage at 25-30 years

When you know yourself better, you have more chances to meet somebody with the same values and life goals. To this moment, you have already traveled with your friends, had parties, and spent long hours at your workplace, so now you can “settle down” and devote your time to family.  

Drawbacks of marriage at 25-30 years

As a rule, at this time and later, the woman’s salary is on the top. So, it can be a risky moment for career-oriented women: if they now take a break and focus on children, it can harm their career.

Marriage at 30-35 years

It is known that 30 is the new 20, so you have a lot of abilities. It is all right with your career and finances. So, you need a man (not a boy) for serious relationships. 

Benefits of marriage at 30-35 years

Marriage researches show that only 8% of women at this age get divorced. Your chosen one is a good life partner and has a decent career. You know what you want to see in your husband and father of your future children.

Drawbacks of marriage at 30-35 years

As the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says, after 28 years, a woman’s fertility goes down. So, at 30-35 years risk of infertility can be 15%. But you don’t need to worry, you still have time to solve this issue. 

Marriage at 35-40 years

Women at this age called “late bloomers”, they really need more time to know themselves. They can change several working places to understand what they like to do, visit several cities or countries to choose where they want to live, the same thing is about partners. 

Benefits of marriage at 35-40 years

At this age, your first marriage most likely will be the only marriage. Let’s add some funny advantage: your parents have waited so long for this moment, so you can organize any wedding ceremony you want, they won’t pay attention to its cost or your guest list.

Drawbacks of marriage at 35-40 years

At this age, you have only 33% for pregnancy and the probability of infertility increases. It can be a serious problem.

Marriage after 40 years

After 40 years, you are a strong independent woman with a brilliant career and proper close friends that support you. You can consider a divorced man, a widower, and a single father as a partner. 

Benefits of marriage after 40 years

When you finally settle down, you will not regret missed opportunities, probably, you didn’t miss something in your life. So, to this age, you already have made peace with your relatives, got a good career, and have a lot of impressions of travels, parties, and meetings.  

Drawbacks of marriage after 40 years

If you and your partner would like to have children, you can need professional help with this question. But you have sufficient financial and emotional background to solve this problem, so you’ll be all right.

People with a logical mind want to determine the best age to get married, but life can make its corrections in their plan, so, the best age for this is yours. 

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