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Love marriage vs arranged marriage is a confrontation that lasts for a long time. Marriage is a crucial step in your life, and your future happiness depends on your choice of partner. In love marriage, your partner is your loved one. In the case of arranged marriage, you select the partner who will completely meet your preferences and will be good for family life. Let’s consider what benefits and difficulties you can expect in both cases.

Understanding among partners

Love marriage: You know each other well, so you can find common ground and build healthy communication.

Arrange marriage: As you know your partner for not so long, there can be some difficulties at the beginning of your relationship.

Reciprocity in love

Love marriage: Love is the reason for such kind of marriage, so after the wedding ceremony, when their dream came true, wife and husband also continue to love each other and try to keep their feeling through their lives.  

Arrange marriage: Nobody can predict that love happens between partners, so, they can know each other better and fall in love or regret their choice. So, if you are looking for a partner on dating websites, you need clearly understand what traits of character or habits of your future husband or wife are essential for you in routine life. 

Making decisions

Love marriage: Partners are able to make needed decisions without conflicts; they are likely to come to an agreement with each other fast. Hence, they make concessions and don’t blame the other partner if something goes wrong.

Arrange marriage: Partners don’t know each other well, so, for the first time in their family life, elder relatives of the wife and the husband help them in making serious decisions. 

Parent’s role in a young family

Love marriage: In case of love marriage, partners sometimes put a distance between them and their families, so they can appear in the situation when they require advice and experience of their elders.

Arrange marriage: In the majority of such kind of marriages, the families of the wife and the husband get to know each other, they strive to maintain close relationships. They take an active part in new family life with their help and wisdom.

Social side

Love marriage: Even nowadays there are some orthodox circles that don’t accept such kind of marriage. Marriage is perceived as a way to prove or demonstrate the status of the family. So, sometimes the choice of the partner can be contrary to family expectations and interests.     

Arrange marriage: Members of all families approve of this marriage; it meets the elders’ expectations and requirements. So, there are no conflicts, and there’s nothing to stop the communication between couples and their relatives.

Both kinds of marriage can be successful and blessed, but it requires joint efforts of partners to achieve harmony and well-being in their family life. A happy marriage is not just about love but also about mutual understanding, support, and respect.

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