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Infatuation vs. Love

Infatuation vs. Love

It often may be difficult to sort through your feelings. Especially when it comes to love. Let’s try to find the difference between love and infatuation. Imagine a situation: a guy willingly spends time with a girl but is not ready to build a serious relationship with her. Or your ideas about a harmonious relationship are very different from what exists in reality. All this is annoying and a person cannot figure out what he/she really feels. 


Infatuation is primarily a physical reaction to another person, sex appeal. Its distinguishing feature is its short duration and thirst for immediate gratification, as well as:
  • obsession
  • pink glasses (You cannot see the person’s true appearance – you cannot sensibly evaluate his/her behavior.)
  • irrational behavior
This intensity of feelings can make you think you are in love. When your partner doesn’t reciprocate, it’s frustration and heartache. Love seems to be about pain and insecurity. If you think so, then you are not in love.


Love is about feeling good. It doesn’t matter if a loved one is next to you or not. Love is inner work. Sometimes it is worth looking for love not outside, but inside. Love is primarily self-love so that you are a whole person and do not seek out someone else to complete you. Love is a choice. It’s easy to choose love when things are going well. When insecurities and fears arise, the choice of love is where your greatest growth occurs. To sum up, if you are in love with the right person, you will only feel better and stronger. You don’t doubt his/her feelings. Your relationship is filled with ease, and you will go through all the difficulties together.
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