
How to Get Your Crush to Like You
Dating Tips
You will discover how to attract your crush’s attention regardless of their sex. So, this person has a very special place in your heart and of course, you want it to be mutual. It’s possible. But you should know that all the tips that will be discussed below will not give you a guarantee that […]

A Foot Taller than My Girlfriend. Any Advice?
Dating Tips
It looks like you look like Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet. That’s cute. But a bit inconvenient. Let’s do something with the issue today. We found a couple of great couples (it’s definitely a tautology day) with a one foot+ height difference and asked them to share their thoughts about it and some tips on […]

How to Tell if an Introvert Likes You
Introverts are those mysterious guys that can treat you very well and still not say a word about how they feel. So, you are alone with your guesses, “Does he like me or what?” Let’s now quickly figure out all possible signs an introvert likes you so that you know this dude is worth your […]

How to Tell a Girl You Like Her Without Ruining the Friendship
Dating Tips
They say the concept of men and women being friends is a little bit foreign to humanity. Probably they are right, and that’s why you are here. Users often ask us, “I have a crush on my female friend, should I tell her?” Well, the situation is rather complicated, so don’t make it worse by […]

How to Tell Him I Miss Him Without Sounding Desperate
Dating Tips
When you are into someone, you can’t stand a minute without them. You are ready to text them, call them, run to them, and sometimes even fly… And you know what? That’s fantastic! You are in love, and this is the best feeling a human can experience. But one of the most frequent readers’ questions […]

How to Ask a Girl to Be Friends with Benefits
Dating Tips
Relationships are great, but, unfortunately, we do not always have enough inner resources for that. So, if you are one of those who now do not dream of big big love but are ready to try something new as friendship with benefits, we wish you good luck and give you a couple of practical tips […]

How to Keep a Conversation Going With a Girl Online
Dating Tips
Most guys will claim that the Internet is the best thing that has been invented. Now they don’t have to approach girls on the streets, push their luck, meet wrong girls and make mistakes. Social networks and dating websites made dating more painless, effective and MUCH faster. But there are always a bunch of BUTs: […]

How to Emotionally Detach From Someone
Dating Tips
People can be annoying, toxic, intrusive, offensive. All sorts of things. Even the ones we love. And one day, it becomes impossible to continue such a relationship, whether it is friendship or romance, or you are a family. It’s then when you need to distance yourself from this person. First of all, to keep your […]

How to Control Your Feelings for Someone
Dating Tips
And why on Earth do you need that? Having warm feelings for someone is wonderful – it means you are alive! Moreover, feelings are not something you can control, but, of course, you can try. Life is not a simple thing, and there are cases when you really need to control yourself in terms of […]

How to Get a Girl to Like You – Things Every Man Should Know
Dating Tips
It’s possible even if you aren’t young Marlon Brando. This article will tell you what men girls want and how to get a woman to like you and feel attracted to you. Believe us, your status and money, your appearance and pickup skills aren’t important. You can be an average guy and still win the […]

How to Respond to ‘I Love You’: 50 Phrases for Those Who Love and Don’t Love Back
Dating Tips
If you have heard “I love you” at least once in your life, you are so lucky! This person (or maybe even people) has chosen you out of millions and billions of people and made you very special. And sometimes it happens that you can’t find words to express your own feelings in response to […]

How to Respond When a Guy Says He Likes You
Dating Tips
Sometimes, someone’s sudden “I like you” can result in awkward silence, making you both feel uncomfortable. Because not all men can express their feelings in the right way, and not all women know how to respond to that. So, let’s find out how to respond when a guy says he likes you to avoid any […]