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Online Dating and Relationship Advices

Sometimes, someone’s sudden “I like you” can result in awkward silence, making you both feel uncomfortable. Because not all men can express their feelings in the right way, and not all women know how to respond to that.

So, let’s find out how to respond when a guy says he likes you to avoid any embarrassment.

What does it mean when a guy says he likes you?

First of all, “I like you” is not the same as “I love you”. He is not going to marry you, but he would like to get to know you better.

Second, “I like you” can also mean “I want something from you”. It often happens that guys decide to confess their feelings to manipulate a girl.

So, when a man says he likes you, it can mean the following:

  • He really likes you. Sincerely spoken words are a real gift. It is always felt, as he speaks, tensely or simply, from the heart. It is an honest, truthful confession that is appreciated most of all.
  • He tries to manipulate. Unfortunately, such guys exist not only in movies, and that’s a fact. If he needs something from you, he may say he likes you just to reach his aim. Especially if he knows YOU like him.

How to respond when a guy says he likes you: 4 Don’ts

  1. Don’t show you don’t believe a person. Some girls, having heard confessions, start to doubt whether a person tells the truth. The first and most important reason for that is poor self-esteem. You are sure, or maybe someone made it clear that you are not worthy of admiration. Usually, such problems come from childhood, from a lack of parental attention. The habit of not liking oneself has remained since then. And you just can’t believe someone thinks you are great. And even if you do believe, you may consider this person strange. But everything has changed. You are surrounded by new people who, perhaps, completely sincerely like you. Accept the words with a firm conviction that they are true.
  1. Don’t be rude if you don’t like a person. Sometimes, if girls have a grandiose view of themselves or don’t respect the person, such words of love seem insignificant for them. Here it would be best if you corrected your attitude towards yourself and towards people that surround you.
  1. Do not pretend that you haven’t heard these words. You may offend the speaker. Even if you are extremely shy, respond. Smile, at least say “Thank you!”
  1. Don’t say “I fancy you too” just because you feel that you should. You think that what has been said obliges you, but it is not so. You don’t have to say “I heart you” in reply if you don’t feel that way. If you aren’t sincere, the person will recognize that from your intonation and lowered eyes. If you have nothing to respond to, again, thank a person for honesty.

So, he said he liked you, what to respond to it?

What to say when a guy says he likes you: 18 examples

When a person says he likes you, you probably feel like you need to say something in response instantly. And here, most of the girls just freeze, having no clue what they should say. So, we collected a couple of great examples of your possible responses.

If you like him too

Smile, look at his eyes and say:

  1. I never believed you could say that, [Andrew]! I like you too but was too afraid to say that first. 
  2. Thank you for telling me! I hoped to hear that one day as I also like you, [Ben]. 
  3. Wow, that’s surprising! But it’s mutual. 
  4. To hear that from a person I like is a great joy!
  5. Finally, you said that! You made me wait for too long. 
Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

If you don’t like him at all

Don’t be rude, speak slowly and respectfully:

  1. [Mike], thank you for considering me deserving your attention and affection. But I can’t accept your feelings. 
  2. I don’t think of you that way, [John]. But I’m glad you told me and we figured it out now. 
  3. I won’t lie, [Liam], I don’t feel that kind of feelings for you. 
  4. I’m pleased to hear that, but can’t say the same. I’m sure you will find a great girl, but it’s not me. 
  5. I would never want to upset you, but I must say that I’m not interested in you, [Jackson]. 

If you like him as a friend

This is much harder to reject feelings and at the same time save a friendly relationship.

  1. I see you as a friend only and I’m sorry if I somehow made you think otherwise.
  2. [Oliver], you know I appreciate our friendship and I don’t want to break your heart, but I don’t have romantic feelings for you. 
  3. [Jayden], I’m glad you told me that, but I must also be honest, I would like to stay friends for now. 
  4. [Ryan], you are a great person, and I like you, but not in a romantic way. If there is a way we can keep our relations friendly?
  5. You surprised me. I like you, but I’d hate to give you the wrong idea. I have only friendly feelings for you. Can’t we just stay friends?

If you haven’t figured out your feelings yet

It often happens with girls. Just be honest.

  1. That’s so pleasant to hear someone likes me for me. Thank you! You made me happier! But for now, I can’t say the same. I hope you understand, I don’t want to lie. Let’s just get to know each other better!
  2. It’s so nice of you to tell me. I need some time to think about this. 
  3. Wow, you are fast. To be honest, I can’t say it’s mutual today. I doubt my feelings and don’t want to lie to you. I need more time if you don’t mind.
a couple in a cafe
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

What to say when he asks why you love him or don’t love him

Girls, as well as boys, often have problems with answering such questions. There are a couple of ideas for you below.

Why you love. If you confess your feelings and your crush asks why you love him, it can be a bit frustrating. Because we do not love something peculiar about a person, we love them all over. Here you can just recall all the amazing features of your beloved person – be sentimental. Let your person feel that they are really appreciated and loved for who they are. Examples:

  1. You make me better.
  2. With you, I can be myself.
  3. You are my best friend and my family.
  4. Only you know how to make me smile.
  5. You always let me pick a movie.

Why you don’t love. If you refused a person and he asked why, don’t start enumerating his weaknesses and negative qualities. Just say that that’s how you feel and you simply can’t do anything with it. And don’t say sorry.

That’s all we wanted to share. We wish you big mutual love,

Your Flisk ❤️

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