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Online Dating and Relationship Advices

Love is a wonderful feeling that gives a lot of positive emotions. At first, a person does not notice the shortcomings of a partner, because he/she seems ideal. Over time, you take off your pink glasses and face reality. Marriage is for life. Naturally, you may doubt your compatibility with your partner.

Numerology may come in handy here. Let’s see how numbers can affect your life.

Each number denotes one of nine planets and has special characteristics. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each partner in a pair will help you make the right decision. One of the methods of numerology is the calculation of the name and date of birth number. This is a simple but very effective way. All you need is to your name and date of birth.

What do you have to do?

This method can be referred to as Western Numerology. This theory reveals the relationship between numbers and the individual’s nature. 

  •  So, each letter of the Latin alphabet indicates a number. For example, a, i, j, q, y stand for 1 and b, k, r are denoted as 2. See below for all the numbers and letters:
1 a, i, j, q, y 5 e, h, n, x
2 b, k, r 6 u, v, w
3 c, g, l, s 7 o, z
4 d, m, t 8 f, p


  • Each letter has a specific number. You add up these numbers. If the result is a number greater than 9, then summarize again to get a single-digit number. For example, Ravi Kumar = 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6.
  • You can do the same with the date of birth. For example, 21-03-1990 = 2 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 25.2 + 5 = 7.

Is this method only suitable for finding a husband/wife?

No, this method is also used to solve other issues. For example, numerological compatibility can be calculated for business partners.

How long will it take?

This is a quick method. Think about how much time you need to add up the numbers of your birthday.

Number meaning

Number 1

If you get 1, then you will marry successfully, however you will have to work hard to find a partner. You want to find a partner who will be at the same intellectual level as you, with whom you can solve problems.

Perfect match: 4,8

Numbers-to-avoid: 1, 7, 9 

Number 2

This type is more restrained and less passionate.

Perfect match: 3,4,6,7,8

Numbers-to-avoid: 4, 8. These numbers can overwhelm you and not give any freedom.

Number 3

Perhaps you will get married at a young age.

Perfect match: 3, 9

Numbers-to-avoid: 1, 5, 6, 7

Number 4

You predict a happy family life and many children. You are ready to do a lot for a partner.

Perfect match: 1,4, 8

Numbers-to-avoid: 2, 3

Number 5

Your partner will support you both financially and professionally. A strong attachment will be established between you.

Perfect match: 1,3,6,9

Number-to-avoid: 5, otherwise, your marriage may become childless.

Number 6

In the relations of such people, the probability of divorce is very low. 

Perfect match: 1,4, 9

Numbers-to-avoid: 6, 3

Number 7

A long-term serious relationship is not for you.

Perfect match: 2,4

Numbers-to-avoid: 7, 8

Number 8

You value loneliness. Choose a partner among serious and understanding people.

Perfect match: 1,4

Numbers-to-avoid: 2, 7, 9

Number 9

You plunge headlong into relationships and love children.

Perfect match: 3, 6

Numbers-to-avoid: 2, 7, 8

This was a brief overview of the characteristics of each figure, which can help you in choosing a partner for a harmonious marriage. Love is great, but relationships require work. Stay tuned for our new posts! 

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