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The benefits of arranged marriage are far from obvious. Recently, more and more young men and women are considering such a union as a death sentence! Marriages by agreement often are equated to forced marriages. A few decades ago, this was true. Nowadays, the situation has changed. Young people take an example from the Western way of life, where it is customary to go on dates and marry only for love. Besides, financial freedom and independence allow young Indians to make marriage decisions on their own.

Pros of an arranged marriage

1. No dating pressure

To find “the one” is very difficult – it’s like playing Russian roulette. Just a few are lucky for the first time. Besides, dating can make some people suffer. For example, introverts getting to know new people is a whole test.

2. No breakups

Not always a romantic relationship ends in a wedding. Sometimes, instead, only disappointment and a broken heart remain. There is no such problem in an arranged marriage. Even if a potential partner refuses, emotional attachment has not yet formed. So, you can look for another partner further.

3. Responsibility

In an arranged marriage, everything is obvious. Both the woman and the man know what they look for. In a romantic relationship, after a while, it may turn out that the partner is not ready for marriage and you have wasted your time.

4. Plans for the future

One of the advantages of arranged marriage is that your parents will worry about your future and you will not miss the moment when it was time to build a family.

5. Thoughtful and non-impulsive decision

Love marriage is a risk that people under the influence of hormones are not able to make serious decisions. As soon as the magic of love fades away and you plunge into the reality of married life, you can realize that you made the wrong choice.

6. Financial stability

When choosing a partner for an arranged marriage, parents pay attention to the salary and profession of future spouses, which guarantees financial stability in the future. Although the younger generation does not like this approach, rationality cannot be taken away.

7. Minimum unpleasant surprises

A thorough background check has its advantages. First of all, this eliminates nasty surprises after the wedding. There is a small chance that you will find out that your father-in-law has a criminal past or that a dangerous family disease can be transmitted to your children.

8. Acceptance 

Since two people voluntarily and knowingly agreed to marry, they accept the partner as he/she is. Adherence to marriage is a crucial advantage that contributes to the success of arranged marriages.

9. Financial support from parents

One of the key pros is the guarantee of family support at all stages of life. Parents of the bride pay for the wedding. At the birth of a child or housewarming, a large number of relatives will be able to provide the necessary support.

10. Conflict resolution

When a marriage is arranged, both parties are interested in success. That is why the family can always come together, discuss problems, and find an acceptable solution.

11. Parenting

Raising a child is not a pleasant walk. It is great if the child can be left with relatives for a while.

12. Cultural traditions

The elaborate rituals that accompany arranged marriages bring to the fore the culture and ceremony that has been practiced for generations.

13. Compatibility

This is the main criteria by which the couple is matched. It will be easier for pairs to communicate with each other if they truly understand and appreciate the same way of life.

14. Connection of generations

An arranged marriage system creates a sense of dependence between children and family members on both sides.

Now you know more about the advantages of arranged marriage. Share your experience in the comments below and stay tuned for new posts!

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