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Marrying a divorced woman in India is associated with a lot of prejudice and social biases. Few men decide to marry a girl who has been married. 

For example, in marriage ads, it will be very difficult for you to find a man who agrees to marry a divorced woman. Even within the framework of traditional arranged marriage, a divorced woman is unlikely to be able to quickly find a partner. This is only one side of the problem.

After all, the absence of a socially acceptable divorce makes people suffer in an unhappy or toxic marriage. 

Today, middle-class women living in the city can afford to initiate a divorce, but in rural areas, this is still the men’s prerogative. They easily leave their wives without a livelihood, and the women cannot marry again because of caste rules.

Nonetheless, the situation is changing. Divorce rates in urban India have doubled over the past five years. This is by no means good news, but from this point of view it is good.

The reason for the growing number of divorces is that educated Indian women have a choice. Now divorce does not mean the end of the world for modern Indian women. They are very open to the idea of remarriage and are ready to start all over again.

Why do they get married for the second time? 

Let’s have a look at the 3 main reasons divorced women in India marry a second time.

1. Love

Without hiding from the world, you can meet your new love.

2. Emotional balance

Divorce can be a difficult examination. Relations with a new partner can help to feel stability and reliability again.

3. Financial stability

Having two income sources is much better than just one. This significantly improves the way of living, especially if a woman has a child from a previous marriage.

Why do women decide to divorce?

1. Financial independence

Today women in India are better educated and more career-oriented than several decades ago. For this reason, they are much more financially protected.

2. Gender-based division of responsibilities

It is traditionally accepted that a man earns money for a family, and a woman does housework. Now the situation has changed. Marriage is about equal responsibility.

3. Cheating

Most often, women file for divorce because of adultery. Since women become more independent, they do not want to have a relationship when they are not valued.

Marrying a divorced woman

India is still a largely patriarchal country. Although women in this country open up new opportunities every day, the problem of male dominance is still widespread in India. In most cases, men are slapped and women are shamed by the community. This applies to cases of divorce.

A divorced woman experiences a lot of unpleasant things: from social stigma to financial problems and loneliness. All that a divorced woman wants is your understanding and your support. Take responsibility, share her burden and make her feel loved. If she has a child from a previous marriage, make the child feel loved and comfortable as well. Make your home as harmonious as possible by caring for those you love. Make every effort to ensure that she opens up to you and makes her feel safe.

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