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There are many explanations why the engagement ring finger for male and female in Hindu is on the left hand. Interestingly, this tradition is not originally Indian. Besides, it is not at all mandatory in the context of Indian wedding customs and rituals. However, many couples have adopted this tradition and wear wedding rings. 

Let’s have a look at a few facts and myths about the engagement ring.

1. Road to the heart

The vein on the ring finger on the left hand goes straight to the heart. It is called Venna Amoris. This is the reason why many cultures prefer to wear a ring on it.

2. Left hand

According to the ancient Chinese, each finger symbolizes different phases in our lives. The thumb represents parents, the index finger represents siblings, the middle finger is you, and the fourth finger is your partner. The little finger represents your children. That’s why the engagement ring is put on the ring finger.

3. Right hand

According to Christian teaching, the ring is put on the right hand. The priest repeats “In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” and puts the wedding ring in the palm. When he said “Amen”, the bride and groom put a ring on their ring fingers, which marked the marriage.

4. Indian approach

In India, the left hand is considered unfavorable. For example, you may notice that Indians never give money with their left hand. So, in India, a wedding ring was traditionally worn on the right hand. However, recently this tradition has sunk into oblivion. Now wearing a ring on the left hand is considered modern.

5. Astrology

Some cultures also believe that the ring finger denotes creativity and beauty, as well as romantic relationships. For this reason, the engagement ring finger is a symbol of the marriage.

6. To wear or not to wear

Wedding rings have different meanings in different cultures. Nevertheless, the most important thing is how the bride and groom relate to this. Some couples wear it all their lives as a reminder of the vows they made to each other. Some only wear it for weddings to get beautiful wedding photos.

7. Wedding and engagement rings

You can not be limited to one wedding ring, but choose a pair of matching to each other and wear engagement and wedding rings together.

Now you know some interesting facts about wedding rings. Stay tuned for our new posts!

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